Daily Archives: July 28, 2010

Psalm 23 for Kids

The LORD is my shepherd

I will have everything that I need.

A good shepherd takes care of his sheep.

He brings them to rest
in green meadows,
and he leads them to drink
cool water from quiet streams.

God will take care of me just as well.

He shows me the right way to go,
so all the world will see
how good God is.

A good shepherd watches over his sheep.

He reaches out with his staff
and pulls them away from trouble,
and with his rod
he protects them from danger.

So even when things look dark and scary,
I will not be afraid,
because God is with me.

When trouble seems to be all around,
God prepares a feast for me.
I am his special guest,
and his blessings overflow.

His goodness and forgiveness
will be with me all of my life,
and I will live with him forever.

Paul Dallgas-Frey

doggie love

I cannot stand pain. And I do not make a good patient nor a good nurse !

My friend had moved all the way from East Coast back to the Coast of Milk and Honey, and before she and her family drove across the country, they had sent their 15 year old pet ahead  by air.  Another family had took him in while the family made their way across the country, and as far as we knew, doggy had a good time and enjoyed his stay.

Last Saturday my friend came in town, and she and her teenage son are my house guests.  We went and picked up the doggy and found out that he had started to limp that particular morning.  By the time we got there, he could hardly walk and eat and ended up with a trip to  the animal emergency hospital.    The next morning he could hardly stand up and as a result had relieved all over himself.  He was visibly doing poorly and you could tell he was in a lot of pain.

All throughout the day, Jaden sat in vigil over his doggy guest, he would circle around him and give him a kiss once in a while.  He spent most of the day watching over him until night time when the sick doggy was tucked in bed.  Jaden is definitely a good host  and has shown his empathy and love towards his “neighbor”.

We were very sad and concern for this poor animal who was totally unresponsive by Sunday night , and had resolved that he might have to be put down soon.  But miraculously, just as he had gotten ill quickly, he had made a speedy recovery by midday Monday.  He is now back to his normal old self. ( I wonder if it had anything to do with the visit to the vet, or the fact I had stood over him and cried out in Christ like manner “stand up and walk!!”)

Even though I do not  have the emotional attachment with the dog like his owners, but his pain and his suffering had caused me a sleepless night. I was feeling really sad for him and for his owners and Jaden has certainly  taught me in his canine way what it means to be empathetic and compassionate towards another in pain.

Even a dog is sensitive  towards others who are suffering , what does that teach us as humans?

Sometimes dogs can teach us a few tricks…..