Daily Archives: July 24, 2010

What are Friends For?

One of many reasons why God gives us friends…..

To tell you things that you really need to hear…..but not necessary you want to know….

“Are you still being stressed ………”

“It must be stress.”

I heard the S word twice in a day from two friends, and that is not something I can no longer ignore.

They have brought  to my attention something that I have intentionally over look…and really, you need friends who dare to point out the obvious.

I thought I have a handle on things, but apparently not.  When you keep getting unusually sick, people around you will eventually notice that something is going awry.

So last night as I laid in bed with a congested head, a sore throat and achy body I did a quick inventory.

Yes I am still letting things bother  me, I have not learn to surrender them to God……I thought I had put the baggage down, but apparently I went back and picked it up again.

That is one of many reasons why I need friends, to tell me things I need to hear.

To warn me as I stray….

No Place to Look but Up

July 23, 2010

I cannot believe it, but this is the first time ever for me to be sick twice in a matter of less than 60 days!

It started last Saturday with a sore itchy throat, and eventually I was hit with a full blown flu, with achy body, headache and a runny nose.

When I am sick  the only thing I want to do is to sleep around the clock.

When I finally opened my eyes from my deep slumber, I was greeted by the sight of  tall evergreens outside my window. Their breathtaking beauty took me by surprise .  As the day went by and the sun moved across from one end of my window to another, the trees took on different shades, I never noticed how beautiful they are, nor how the sunlight shine through the foliage at different time of the day.  I never realized how blessed that I am lying just a window away from this beautiful creation.  God has given me this lovely green belt to be enjoyed daily.

The problem with me is I had never stopped long enough  to smell the roses, as the saying goes.  It took my being down with a flu, totally out of commission in order to realize the gift that is around me.

I now know why God put me flat on my back…..so I have no place to look but up and out…..